Rehearsal and preparation #IBTMChina ! I am ready to go! Can’t wait speaking tomorrow and the day after about crisis communication and counter terrorism awareness for the MICE Industry here in Beijing! Hope to see you at Ibtm China 2019!#MICEcrisismanagement Category: NEWSVon Stephanie BergerNovember 15, 2019 Autor: Stephanie Berger KommentarnavigationZurückVorheriger Beitrag:IBTM ChinaNächstesNächster Beitrag:IBTM ChinaRelated Postsibtm WORLDNovember 15, 2019WebinarNovember 15, 2019IBTM ChinaNovember 15, 2019IBTM ChinaNovember 15, 2019IBTM ChinaNovember 15, 2019ibtm WORLDOktober 12, 2019