IBTM China

Feeling truly international this morning! 🙂 I am honored to speak at ibtm CHINA 2019! #events #eventprofs #eventmanagement #MICEcrisismanagement #unexpected #IBTMCHINA 距离IBTM China还剩:14天 重磅!国际知名 #风险管理#专家#SteffBerger#将首次在IBTM China隆重开讲!如何有效进行#危机公关#?如何进行风险管控,提升反恐意识?让Steff来告诉你!8月28-29日,北京-国家会议中心,欢迎报名参与! 点此了解会议详情: https://lnkd.in/gbj8Pza 点此报名成为观众:https://lnkd.in/f62iqSV


Photo: Sergi Briet #HOTTOPIC What’s your crisis management plan for your next conference or event? Crisis management has become a hot topic. No fewer than 5 sessions at IMEX 2019…


Photo: Sergi Briet #HOTTOPIC What’s your crisis management plan for your next conference or event? Crisis management has become a hot topic. No fewer than 5 sessions at IMEX 2019…


Photo: Steff Berger #CREATIVETHINKING What’s the one thing that will give you a greater chance of success in a crisis situation? Creative thinking. If instinctive reactions or standard procedures don’t…


Photo: Steff Berger #CREATIVETHINKING What’s the one thing that will give you a greater chance of success in a crisis situation? Creative thinking. If instinctive reactions or standard procedures don’t…


Photo: Michael Pasternack #FAKENEWS When it comes to social media, you probably know speed is everything. If misinformation, damaging opinion or fake news about your event is being posted on…